QuickStat #1 – Conversion Therapy

What proportion of transgender and non-binary people in Canada have undergone “conversion therapy” in an attempt to make them cisgender?

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What proportion of transgender and non-binary people in Canada have undergone “conversion therapy” in an attempt to make them cisgender?

Bar graph from the Trans PULSE Canada study describing the proportion of transgender and non-binary people who have ever experienced “conversion therapy” in an attempt to make them cisgender. The X-axis shows three age groups and the overall population, and the Y-axis shows the proportion who experienced conversion therapy, ranging from 0% to 30% at an interval of 5%. Overall, 11% of the 2033 trans and non-binary people who answered this question had experienced conversion therapy. Among those aged 14 to 24, 8% had experienced conversion therapy. Among those aged 25 to 49, 11% had experienced conversion therapy. Among those age 50 or older, 25% had experienced conversion therapy.

Citation: The Trans PULSE Canada Team. QuickStat #1 – Conversion Therapy. 2019-12-20. Available from: https://transpulsecanada.ca/research-type/quickstats/

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