QuickStat #3 – Unmet health care needs among trans and non-binary people doing sex work
What proportion of trans and non-binary people doing sex work had unmet health care need(s) in the past year, compared to those not doing sex work?
Bar graph from the Trans PULSE Canada study describing the proportion of transgender and non-binary respondents who had one or more past-year unmet health care needs. The graph compares trans and non-binary respondents who did sex work in the past year (n=131) to trans and non-binary respondents who didn’t do sex work in the past year (n=2231). The X-axis shows the variable being examined: “Had past-year unmet health care need(s)”. The Y-axis shows the percentage of respondents had past-year unmet health care need(s), ranging from 0% to 80% at an interval of 20%. 63% of transgender and non-binary people doing sex work had past-year unmet health care need(s), compared to 43% of trans and non-binary people not doing sex work. The graph also shows that in total, 45% of trans and non-binary respondents (n=2580) had past-year unmet health care need(s). It should be noted that past-year unmet health care needs are not limited to primary care. Unmet need could also be related to emergency care, specialist care, home care, etc.
Cite this QuickStat: The Trans PULSE Canada Team. QuickStat #3 – Unmet health care needs among trans and non-binary people doing sex work. 2020-04-21. Available from: https://transpulsecanada.ca/research-type/quickstats/
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